+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Products > Field Devices > Valves > Motorised Butterfly Valves


Genebre is a leading company and world reference in fluid control and high quality taps. We control all of the creation processes, responding to the specific needs of each market: from the inicial concept and design of the product to the production and commercialization.


Key Features

  • Designed for applications of 1/4 turn (90º) and reversible, ideal for the electric automation of ball valves and butterfly valves
  • High Protection IP67
  • Position Indication
  • Manual Override
  • Fail safe and modulating options available

Butterfly Valve - Wafer Type

DN50 - DN200

GE Multivoltage Electric Rotary Actuator

IBSG00 Safety Block

5810 00 Digital Positioning System to Electrical Actuator