+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Products > Field Devices > Electrical > Input/Output Modules


Greystone Energy Systems Inc. is internationally recognized as one of the largest ISO registered manufacturers of HVAC sensors and transducers for Building Automation Management Systems. We have conscientiously established a worldwide reputation as an industry leader by maintaining leading-edge design technology, prompt technical support, and a commitment to on-time deliveries.

ETP Series – Electronic to Pneumatic Transducer

GT-AR – Analog to Two or Four High and Low Trip Level Relay Outputs

GT-AI – Analog Input with Optical Isolation to Analog Output

GT-ARES – Analog to Resistance Output

GT-AI420 – Loop-powered Analog Input with Optical Isolation to Analog Output

GT-ASM – Analog Current or Voltage Rescaling Module




ANNICOM has been established as a design and build company for the Industrial Controls, HVAC, and Building Automation Industry for more than 25 years. Alongside its own range of high quality HVAC Input Output Modules and products under the “Axio” brand name it also designs and manufactures controls for many of the industry giants on an OEM basis, including such companies as Honeywell, Toshiba Carrier and Clivet.

AX-RLC - Raise Lower Control Modules

Annicom I/O Modules 2016

AX-RM1A - Adjustable Switching Point Relay Output Module

AX-RM3M - Adjustable Switching Point Relay Output Module