+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Balance your Hydronic heating, cooling and domestic hot water system the easy way

Hydronic balancing needs measuring in order to ensure efficiency and optimisation in a heating or cooling system. Whether you use a manually balanced system or an automatic balancing system, you will require measuring either for reports, or commissioning and testing.


3 Hydronic Balancing solutions from Danfoss

We are able to provide 3 balancing solutions from Danfoss which include the Danfoss PFM 5001 Measuring Instrument, the PFM100 and the Flow Indicator.

Danfoss PFM 5001 Measuring Instrument

The PFM 5001 has been designed to create hydraulic balance in heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems. It enables measuring of pressure flow and temperatures in a system. Using differences in pressure the PFM 5001 is capable of turning these two pressures on both sides of a valve into flow.

Flow through individual branches of the system can be measured, creating perfect balance in the whole system.

There are three separate parts which make up this product:

  • A main pressure sensor for measuring pressure, flow and temperature (radio signal).
  • Smartphone or pc are used for displaying results and data analysis via Bluetooth.
  • A converter between radio and Bluetooth signals.

Danfoss PFM100 Measuring Device

The PFM100 is a measuring device that measures the differential pressure on both sides of a valve in hydronic systems. After typing in the Kv value into the device it will calculate the flow in a very accurate manner. The PFM100 consists of a measuring instrument, two hoses with couplings and two measuring needles with ball valves.

This device can be used for different types of balancing valves of various brands.

Flow Indicator from Danfoss

The flow indicator is a simple device to get an indication of the flow and pressure in heating, cooling and domestic hot water systems. The slide ruler can also help determine the pre-setting of balancing valves. The flow indicator consists of a differential pressure gauge and a slide ruler, which enables the pressure to be calculated into flow.

This device can only be used in combination with Danfoss balancing valves.