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IoT controllerGC5 IoT Controller wins Control Trends Awards

Control Trends is one of the leading sources of controls news, and their annual Control Trends Awards are a much-anticipated event. This year the event took place at the B.B. King Blues Club in Orlando, FL.

As one of the first Global Control 5 partners, we are super proud of the achievement and recognition earned at the latest Control Trend Awards.

‘’ACS is one of the first GC5 Partners in its history. During these years we have completed a number of very interesting projects together.  For me personally it is a great pleasure to work with you.’’ Jakub Cwiek, Sales Director

Congratulations GC5

The Global Control 5 IoT Controller, the iSMA-B-MAC36NL was a winner at the Control Trends Awards this year!

This dynamic product is a compact Master Application Controller with built-in different types of I/O and operating in Niagara Framework environment.

Key Features of the IoT controller Include:

  • Niagara 4.6, 4.7
  • Real-time programming
  • 2x Fast Ethernet (independent)
  • 1x RS485 (opto-isolated)
  • 2x USB (1x Host, 1x OTG, touchscreen support)
  • 16x UI, 8x AO, 4x DI and 8x DO
  • HDMI to connect external display
  • Built-in Web server provides graphical User interface available from Web browser level
  • SD card to collect real-time data, history and alarms
  • Hardware replacement by SD Card
  • 1x RS485 or 2x RS485 (optional hardware version)
  • Different licensing models for various application types

A word from the Global Control 5 CEO

“My faith in our products has not disappointed me once again. It was an amazing evening, full of positive emotions and impressions.

Our Hybrid IoT Controller, iSMA-B-MAC36NL, has won the Control Trends Awards in the IoT Solution of the Year category. My joy and satisfaction are all the greater because together with us, the biggest players in the industry fought for the title of the best. I congratulate them from the bottom of my heart, but I cannot hide my great joy that our iSMA-B-MAC36NL is number one in this year’s CTA!

I know that this award will have a very positive impact on the whole team and will make us look to the future with even more optimism.

Dear GC5 team, Distributors, ladies and gentlemen, this award is our joint success. It is thanks to you, your votes, your confidence in the iSMA products, the people who make them, that we have won this award and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart!”  says Adam Półgrabia, CEO of Global Control 5.