+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Flow metering

Flow Metering and Energy Measurement Solutions

Accurate energy consumption and flow metering systems are essential for optimising chilled and hot water systems. ACS supply, into the southern African market, products from two global leading manufacturers, namely Danfoss and Onicon.


Danfoss Energy Metering

Our Danfoss energy metering solutions measure, store and analyse heat and cooling energy consumption in hot and cold-water systems. Registered data using the Danfoss solutions can be accessed from just about anywhere and at any time.

The Danfoss SonoSelect heat metering offers a variety of unique features. With easy installation and continuous accurate measurements even under harsh conditions, it is an ideal solution for the African market.

A key feature is that the SonoSelect can be controlled via a smartphone by using the SonoApp. Reduced errors and minimized installation time is made possible by the high level of usability.

Onicon Flow Metering Solutions

Oncion is a leader in HVAC BTU Flow measuring solutions. We supply a wide range of Onicon products from turbine meters to ultrasonic flow meters.

Offering solutions in hot water, chilled water, domestic water and more, Onicon has committed to meeting the challenge of continuous and accurate information in the HVAC and controls market.

ONICON offers a full line of inline, insertion style and clamp-on meters for liquid flow applications and is widely recognized for our innovative hand-insertable insertion style flow meters.

ACS supplies Onicon BTU Energy Measurement solutions, turbine, electromagnetic, inline ultrasonic, portable clamp-on ultrasonic, and clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters.

To find out more about the wide range of flow metering solutions available from ACS, visit our website and more specifically our BTU flow metering product page:

BTU Metering