+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

An HVAC product review of 2023

As we head towards the end of another year, it may be a good time to pause and reflect on the last year and some of the great 2023 HVAC Products from our suppliers.  iSMA Controlli iSMA Controlli have released some great new products this year as well as updating some...

HVAC Replacement Strategy

Does your HVAC system need replacing or does it require significant updates? Chances are that you need to develop an HVAC replacement strategy. Keeping your HVAC system up and running is a complex business and optimising efficiencies and keeping downtime takes...

The Evolution of HVAC – Part 3

As we saw in the last article, the HVAC industry came of age in 1906 when a textile engineer, Stuart Cramer, first used the term air-conditioning. The developments in HVAC still had a long way to go however. In fact, at this point in time, the first residential unit...

The Evolution of HVAC – Part 2

Last month we learnt about the history of HVAC from our neolithic ancestors to around the end of the eighteenth century. As we saw, the eighteenth century saw scientific discoveries and inventions, as well as technological improvements, really taking off. Now let us...