+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Differential Pressure HK Instruments is a family-owned Finnish company that helps its customers to keep the quality of indoor air and the functionality of buildings high, resulting in well-being and energy savings. The company designs highly accurate and easy-to-use measuring devices, mainly for HVAC applications in ventilation and building automation systems, including the differential pressure switch and transmitter featured.

HK Instruments is highly specialized in developing technologically advanced air pressure measurement devices for HVAC applications. The companies products are primarily used in air handling systems and building automation. Thanks to the clear and practical user interfaces, installation of the devices is extremely easy and fast.

HK Instruments DPI SERIES

Electronic differential pressure switch and transmitter

The DPI series electronic pressure measuring devices are engineered for building automation in HVAC/R industry. The most technologically advanced and versatile electronic differential pressure switches on the market, combining up to two relay outputs and 0–10 V output options.

The DPI includes the following field selectable features:

  • Configurable switching point: Open on rise or fall in pressure
  • Hysteresis of setpoint
  • Measurement units (Pa, kPa, mmWC, inWC, mbar)
  • Measurement range (4 ranges per model)
  • Output signal (0−10 V, NO/NC)
  • Span and zero point calibration


DPI series devices are commonly used in HVAC/R systems for:

  • fan, blower and filter monitoring
  • staircase pressure monitoring and alarm
  • pressure monitoring in cleanrooms
  • boiler pressure monitoring and alarm

If you would like to find out more about this product and our other sensors and switches, give our friendly ACS team a call today!