+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Products > Field Devices > Electrical > Electrical Metering


Senva Energy Meters aim to be the easiest and most accurate energy meters on the market. Able to digitally communicate measurements of current and voltage through BACnet or Modbus, this is truly a versatile product.

Senva CVT (Current/Voltage Transducer)


In more than 100 million homes and five million buildings worldwide, Honeywell electrical metering products, components and systems deliver temperature control, comfort, energy conservation and safety.





Veris Industries, Located in Portland Oregon, is a market focused, customer service oriented, leading supplier of electrical metering, energy and environmental sensors and control peripherals for Commercial HVAC and Energy Management applications.

E5x Series

E50H2 / E50H5