+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za


Over the last 13 years EasyIO has emeged as a global leader in Open Building Automation providing integration solutions and manufacturing their Ethernet based DDC controllers. With close to 100% support satisfaction, the company has for many years being at the forefront of optimising the interactions between humans, buildings and work.


Latest EasyIO news

EasyIO is continuously evolving as a company, as are their products. Recently they released a new Wireless VAV with Live Wiresheet Programming enabling you to mix wired and wireless with BACnet IP. You’ll be able to find out more if you’re attending the Global Partner event in Manchester between the 22 & 23 May 2017.

Products you need to know about

EasyIO-30P-SF45 – Rugged, network centric, high performance multi-protocols Input / Output controllers to accommodate genera land specific applications, featuring Bacnet IP, Bacnet Ethernet, Bacnet MSTP, Modbus Serial (RS485) and Modbus TCP/IP protocols plus a built-in Web server for easy configuration.

EasyIO-FC-20 – A cost effective Programmable Controller, programmed with Workbench or CPT, selectable between BACnet and Modbus, BACnet. 20 IOs include, 12 Universal Inputs (UI) supporting current, voltage and resistance based sensor, 4 electrically isolated Digital Outputs (DO) and 4 Analog Outputs supporting current and voltage outputs.

EasyIO-FG-20+ – The new FG+ series of Open Automation Controllers are the new range of Internet ready Field Controllers. They comprise of combined Area Controller capabilities and features, as well built in I/O and huge data logging capacity, all packaged as the future solution for the Internet of things in Energy and Building Facility Control.

EasyIO-FG-32+ – The new FG+ series of Open Automation Controllers from EasyIO are the new range of Internet ready Field Controllers. They comprise of combined Area Controller capabilities and features, as well built in I/O and huge data logging capacity, all packaged as the future solution for the Internet of things in Energy and Building Facility Control.

For more information contact us today, or click the link to find the full product brochure:
