+27 (0)11 568 0236 sking@acontrols.co.za

Products > Field Devices > Valves > Pressure Independent Valves




Danfoss AB-QM was the first of its kind control valve for HVAC heating and cooling applications. The Danfoss pressure independent valves are control valves with automatic flow limitation and built-in differential pressure control functioning over the control valve. The result of this concept is a high performing control valve with a – still – unique valve authority of 100%. The design flow can easily be set to the needed amount by using a 20-100% scale. Simply setting the design flow replaces traditional commissioning processes, gives a much more accurate control and avoids Kv calculations for system designers.

AB-QM 4.0

AB-QM 4.0 Flexo

AB-QM 4.0 Flexo

Danfoss NovoCon® digital actuator

Danfoss Pressure Independent Valves - ChangeOver6

Danfoss pressure independent valves

AB-QM 4.0 / ABQM Pressure Independent Control Valves

Danfoss AB-QM Brochure

Danfoss Application Guide

Danfoss pressure independent valves

Danfoss Digital Hydronics

Case studies

Achieving Patient Comfort & Energy Efficiency in Hospitals & Health Clinics

Achieving Energy Efficiency & Comfortable Classroom Settings In Universities

Actuator selection for PICV’s

An interactive selection tool for all Danfoss AB-QM PICV valves.


ABQM™ Quick Select Guide